I am an engineer, an architect and an entrepreneur, with a great passion for the benefits that technologies can bring to people’s life.

My focus is the search of simplicity, aesthetic and usefulness in innovations. I have a particular interest in entrepreneurship approaches, from the development of new business models to the actual implementation of innovative products.

I have spent 18 years in various high tech companies, including IBM, Microsoft, Capgemini and Sierra Wireless. I have created and run my own business, POC Factory, between 2006 and 2008. I work now for Sogeti High Tech, back in the Capgemini group with a large range of engineering expertises.

The objective of this blog is to share ideas and feedback of experience in the field of innovation, business and entrepreneurship.

The views expressed on this site are my own and not those of my employer.

Contact: stephane@pocfactory.com
Personal web sites: www.pocfactory.com, www.engineering-studio.com, www.visiodesk.com
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/smonteil